Complete Web Application For Laboratory Management Using Spring Boot

Use Spring Boot to create a web application for managing a laboratory, where users can create and manage publications and also projects.

In this project, we harnessed the power of Spring Boot, an efficient and intuitive framework that simplifies the development of web applications. Spring Security was seamlessly integrated to fortify our application with robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring a secure user experience. Leveraging Thymeleaf, a modern server-side Java template engine, we crafted dynamic and visually appealing web pages for our laboratory application. Additionally, MySQL was employed as the database management system, allowing us to efficiently store, manage, and retrieve data, providing a solid foundation for the functionality and data management of our web application tailored for laboratory operations. Through the harmonious interplay of these technologies, we have successfully created a powerful and user-friendly laboratory web application.

Project URL on github: jboussouf/Complete-Web-Application-For-Laboratory-Management-Using-Spring-Boot